I always loved writing but apart from a few intents, I’ve never been constant in practicing. Nevertheless, I’ve realised how important it is for me. It makes me think better, raises emotions and energy. It helps me to forge decisions and to feel more alive, focused on the important and not the urgent or the daily routine.
So I decided to start somewhere… by this blog so it’s public and forces me to make it important. For fun. For thinking out loud. For Intro[Extro]spection. Without knowing where it will lead. Maybe some words will find some echo. Maybe not.
I’ll start writing about topics I’ve found interesting, that helped me grow in my work, my life or just some thoughts or feelings, without limiting me in style or type of content.
If you’d like to use some of my words, who knows, please do but quote (if private use) or contact me first (commercial use). Thanks and have a good day.